GET gere partes cum secans Edge Blades Ripper Shank
Secans Edge & finem Bit ad Bulldozer
Laminae fere apparere possunt sicut laminae notabilis iniectus informibus.Haec lamina bulldozeribus affixa est ut magnas moles sordium, nivis, aliave strages extra viam pelleret.Dozera laminae etiam terram aequare possunt, superficiem planam creans pro incepto tuo.DMC Partes gere, etiam amplum inventarium offert graminum motorum graduum, incluso nostro BluSteel System, et scapulis oneratis.
Secans Edge & finem Bit ad Grader
Grader Blades et obducat
Full range of grader blades and overlaysSerrated lce Blades, Grader frenum et revolvens systemExtra grave officium fodiendi Flat et curvis gradariis laminarum Aftermarket et Mos disposuit partes Boron chalybe HB500, Manganese chalybe HB400 et carbo carbonis High C80
HB500 durities HRC 45-52
HB400 durities HRC 35-40
Maximum carbonis c80 duritiem HRC 25-32
Secans Edge & finem Bit pro Loader
Basis Edge seu "Rana" in situla oneratus est primarium systema subsidii situlae aciei.Marginibus bases typice in situlam pertusum redactae prae-terebratae sunt ut par foraminis instar fulmen in marginibus incisis aut fulmen in dentibus et adaptors.Aliquando in applicationibus humilibus induendis, situla tantum marginem basim nullis foraminibus indigere potest et ut talis currere potest.Aliquae orae basi etiam ad dentes conglutinatae ac adaptatores accommodantur, ideoque foraminibus illis non opus est.
Ripper Shank
Rippers concidit et omnem materiam dilacerat.Specimen ad terram colendam vel reformandam, humum proterve soluere et pro duro squalore perfecti sunt.Ripper scapulas corpus armorum tuorum proteget ne damnum suscipiat, sicut comminutio dura terra pro quavis machina labori potest provocare.
Secans Edge Model possumus supplere
P/N | Descriptio | UW(kg) | EXEMPLUM |
175-70-26310 | CAESIS 1064* 254*25 | 50 | D155 |
175-71-22282 | BITUMIS 40MM | 39.1 | D155 |
175-71-77772 | BITUMIS 40MM | 39.1 | D155 |
113-0334 | 40MM CRASSUS | 59 | CAT 834G |
113-0336 | 40MM CRASSUS | 59 | CAT 834G |
232-70-52180 | BITUMIS 16MM | 8.8 | GD621 623 625 |
232-70-52190 | BITUMIS 14MM | 12.2 | GD621 511 521 |
112-2471 | ACIES DCCCIII * CCCXXX * XLV " | 90 | CAT D8 D9 |
112-2472 | ACIES 1353*330*45 | 151 | CAT D8 D9 |
4T2233 | PRAECISUM 2133*203*25 | 81 | 12G 12H 14G 14H |
4T2231 | PRAECISUM 1828*203*25 | 69.8 | 12G 12H 14G 14H |
7D1576 | ORA 1828*203*20 | 54 | 12G 12H 14G 14H |
7T9126 | ACIES 1353*330*35 | 117 | D9 GRAVIS OFFICIUM |
7T9125 | PRAECISUM 802*330*35 | 68 | D9 GRAVIS OFFICIUM |
144-70-11131 | ACIES 1660*203*20 | 49.5 | D60 D65 |
4T8077 | ORA 2382*203*16 5/8"x15H | 58 | CAT920 930 |
9R5313 | ORA 2406*150*20 17x16H | 55 | CAT 416 420 424 |
1399230 | ORA 1285* 360*30 3 Holes | 105 | CAT950 962 |
4T8101 | TOMUS 170*496*30 | 19 | CAT950 960 962 963 |
4T8091 | TOMUS 160* 342*25 | 10.3 | CAT 920 931 941 |
4T4455 | FINIS BIT 450* 272*30 3/4"x6H | 23 | D6H D6M D6N D6R |
4T4454 | FINIS BIT 450* 272*30 3/4"x6H | 23 | D6H D6M D6N D6R |
4T2990 | FIDES 1112* 254* 25 7 Holes | 52 | CATTUS D7 |
9W9197 | DLXXXIX* 330 * 35 4 foramina | 51 | D9G D9H GRAVIS |
9W6092 | FIDES CM* 330*35 6 Holes | 78 | D9G D9H GRAVIS |
144-70-11180 | 25MM | 15.5 | D50 D60 D65 |
144-70-1190 | 25MM | 15.5 | D50 D60 D65 |
154-70-11314 | Acies | 54.4 | D80 D85 |
154-81-1191 | Acies | 39.4 | D80 D85 |
9R0167 | ORA 570*152*16 | 11 | SITULA |
9R5317 | CONFERRUMINO ORA 609* 200*25 | 23 | SITULA |
135-9394 | ORA 1586* 165*16 5/8"x8H | 31.5 | 60" SITULA |
174-7973 | ORA 1743*203*20 5/8"x8H | 53 | 66" SITULA |
6W2985 | ORA 2639*245*25 28H | 122 | CAT936 |
141-4847 | ORA 2921*282*30 28X30H | 186 | CAT950 962 |
9V6575 | ORA 3032*300*40 35x30H | 274 | CAT960 966 970 |
425-815-1310 | ORA 2068*406*40 1"x8H | 253 | WA500 |
425-815-1320 | ORA 660*406*40 1"x4H | 81 | WA500 |
2571762 | TOMUS 278* 305*35 1"x2H | 22.4 | CAT IT62G |
107-3746 | ORA 1182* 280*25 3H | 62 | CAT936 938 |
1U0295 | ORA 1025*280*25 3H | 54 | CAT916 950 951 |
135-9396 | ACIES MDCCCXCV * CLX * XVI " | 36 | 72" SITULA |
9W-8215 | CAESIS Edge1130*203*20 | 34.5 | CAT 416 420 424 |
113-0322 | ACIES 1787*330*30 | 133 | CAT 834 G |
195-7272 | ACIES MXLI * XXX * XXX " | 78 | CAT 834 G |
105-2345 | PRAECISUM 2681*245*25 | 123 | CAT936 938 |
9V6573 | CAEDIS 2734*282*30 | 171 | CAT950 960 |
4T6699 | ORA TOMUS 360* 270*30 | 22 | CAT966 970 972 |
132-4715 | ORA TOMUS 305* 278* 35 | 22.4 | CAT 950 962 |
4T-6695 | ORA TOMUS 265*280*25 | 14 | CAT 936 938 950 |
100-6666 | TOMUS 360* 293*30 | 23.5 | CAT 966 972 |
421-838-1110 | SEGMENT215*330*30 | 16 | WA250 WA300 |
11111054 | TOMUS 345*280*30 | 22 | VOLVO L150 |